Gurls Talk - An online comminity for young women to discussissues such as depression, mental health, sexulity, self care and education.
I Weigh - I Weigh is about radical inclusivity, so that no one feels alone. Our job is to amplify, advocate, and pass the mic.
Lacey Haynes - Free online classes to help you learn simple, potent and easily actionable tools to embrace your body’s wisdom, claim your womanhood and utilise your sexual energy in newfound ways.
Salty - Salty’s feminism is not millennial pink. It’s not brand-safe, snackable, or neatly packaged for retweets. A100% independent, volunteer ran newsletter, bouyed by the voices of women, trans and non binary contributors from all over the world.
Killer And Sweet Thang - a firsthand account of how millennials love and live in an ever-changing digital landscape.We believe everyone can benefit from inclusive, comprehensive sex education, and want to help you resist the forces that tell you to feel ashamed of your bodies and desires.
Anti Diet Riot Club - Anti Diet Riot Club hosts events and meet-ups, in London and the UK, that connect people struggling with diet-cycling, poor body image, and disordered eating.
Body Posi Panda - Blog posts on recovery, diet culture, self love, food, exercise and body positivity
The Girls' Network - Our mission is to inspire and empower girls from the least advantaged communities by connecting them with a mentor and a network of professional female role models
Girl Boss - Where women support women. Ask and answer, find advice, celebrate wins.